Seductive Venice
In Casanova's Footsteps

I'm happy to report that Seductive Venice has been published in Italy by Supernova Edizioni. It is now available in bookstores throughout Venice and other parts of Italy. Thanks to publisher Giovanni Di Stefano for his encouragement and support.
The title and cover are different than the American edition. It's titled Casanova's Venice: A Walking Guide and is part of a guidebook series featuring famous writers, such as Byron, Hemingway, and James.
Please visit these bookstores to purchase it, as well as museum bookstores in the city:
--Libreria Studium (behing Basilica San Marco)
--Libreria Acqua Alta (in northern Castello)
--Libreria Goldoni (near Campo San Luca)
Coming Soon!
Seductive Venice has been translated into Italian! The new title will be A Venezia con Casanova, coming out this fall from Supernova Edizioni in Venice. Thank you to translator Tiziana Businaro and Adriano Contini for their tireless work to make this translation a reality and thank you to Giovanni DiStefano at Supernova for making it into a book that will soon be available to all.
The Italian Edition of Seductive Venice
entitled Casanova's Venice: A Walking Guide