Seductive Venice
In Casanova's Footsteps

What Are People Saying About Seductive Venice?
The following Casanovists have helped with the research for this book and support its publication:

Adriano Contini, Manager at Lacofin Financial Consulting, Rome, Italy, expert photographer of Casanova sites, and author of the Wikipedia entry on Casanova.​

Dr. Sabine Herrmann, Institute for the history of medicine of the foundation "Robert Bosch"; Stuttgart, Germany; researcher into medical issues relating to Casanova’s life.​

Helmut Watzlawick, Geneva, Switzerland, Casanova scholar and editor for l'Intermédiaire des Casanovistes.
“Generations of readers of Casanova visiting Venice have tried to discover places which played a role in his life. For a long period their only help in this search were footnotes in editions of the memoirs or biographies of Casanova. It was only in 1961 that Jacques Marsan published in a small print run a brief guide entitled Sur le pas de Casanova à Venise. This was followed in 1993 by the compendium Sui passi di Casanova a Venezia, containing many drawings and maps, published by the Venice-based Comité International des Amis de Casanova. Since then much of the information contained in these guides has been updated, corrected and expanded by more recent research published in many different places and so far of little help to visitors of Venice with this special interest. It is the great merit of Kathleen Gonzalez to have brought together after painstaking research this myriad of dispersed data in her book Casanova’s Venice: A Walking Guide.
Marco Leeflang, Casanova scholar, editor for l'Intermédiaire des Casanovistes, and featured in the film Casanova’s Love Letters.
“Kathy Gonzalez is one of the bright lights in a new generation of Casanova scholars. She has left no stone unturned in her research for this very useful and readable book, which will prove irresistible to many of the more than 17 million tourists who visit Venice annually. Kathy’s book reflects not only original research done by her in Venice but also the learning of other Casanova experts around the world, whom she consulted.”​

Ian Kelly, author and actor. Mr. Kelly's new work Casanova: Actor, Lover, Priest, Spy, was Sunday Times Biography of the Year when it was published in 2009. “The best book ever written on the world's most famous lover,” Simon Sebag Montefiore, “a sheer testament to the power of the written word.” The New York Times.
“What's Venice without Casanova, or Casanova without Venice? Nothing quite like this has been done before in English: a guide to Venice with its most famous son, the much maligned Giacomo Casanova, who wrote 200 years ago about a city which has barely changed since. I wish this book had existed when I was living and working in Venice on my biography of Casanova, but anyone wanting to relive 18th century Venice can hardly do better than being taken in hand by Giacomo.”​
Tom Vitelli, editor, l'Intermédiaire des Casanovistes, and author of books and articles about Casanova.
“Kathleen Gonzalez has written the definitive guide to Casanova’s Venice—a work tourists have long sought in vain. She has consulted the leading experts, unearthed new records, and personally studied the landscape in meticulous detail. The result is a fresh and engaging book that is at once recherché and fun to read. You really haven’t seen Venice until you’ve seen it through Casanova’s eyes, as presented so richly in Kathleen’s guide. Plus, with Casanova in the headlines as France prepares an exhibition of his memoirs (acquired last year by the Bibliothèque Nationale), the timing has never been better for such a book.”
Tony Perrottet, author of The Sinner’s Grand Tour and Napoleon’s Privates, and writer for the Smithsonian Magazine, among others.
“The lack of a guidebook to Casanova sites has long been a glaring gap for literary pilgrims to Venice. Kathleen Gonzalez's meticulously researched new book is sure to fill it admirably.”​
Laurence Bergreen, author of Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu, and others.
"I was delighted and enlightened by your book during my recent research trip in Venice. Mille Grazie!"
​D. Detailleur, Casanovist
“With great pleasure I’ve read your book Seductive Venice: In Casanova’s Footsteps. For many years I’ve been a passionate reader of Casanova’s Memoirs and of everything concerning the world of the Venetian adventurer. Your book is one of those that makes my reading more complete. Places combined with time possess a very attractive power. Reading about Casanovian places constitute in the mind of the reader a link with the 18th century. And that is what happens constantly in your book. I’m also agreeably surprised by the completeness of your work. I‘ve read books such as Sui passi di Casanova a Venezia, but they are far less complete. Furthermore you possess the rare ability of giving good summaries of the episodes in the Memoirs. Casanova has a very dense style full of information. To summarize all these different episodes and to relate them to the places is not an easy task. So, thank you and I hope that you keep continuing writng on Casanova.”