Fourteenth & Fifteenth

This chapter chronicles the lives of a number of women who founded convents, churches, and homes offering help to others. The generosity of former courtesan Margherita Vitturi plus the lives of the nuns at the convent of Corpus Domini are described in more detail, while other women’s contributions are here recorded so they won’t be forgotten. The chapter "Founders and Funders" spans five centuries.

A humble shopkeeper, Giustina dropped a mortar on the head of a flag bearer, effectively ending a rebellion. This painting by Gabriel Bella shows the scene.

Cassandra made a university commencement address in Latin and was a very learned despite the fact that women could not attend universities.

Both of these women who lived on Murano were glassmaker artists who patented their unique designs. Marietta also ran her family’s glass business with her brother. This is the famous wedding cup that she is believed to have painted.