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in Time:

A Symposium in Venice

Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy
June 5-6-7 2025

Celebrating the 300 year anniversary of Giacomo Casanova's  birth

The Symposium

5-6-7 June 

Convegno per il terzo centenario della nascita di Giacomo Casanova, 1725-2025

Venezia 5-6-7 giugno 2025, Aula Magna Ca’ Dolfin, Università Ca’ Foscari


Conference for the Third Centenary of the Birth of Giacomo Casanova 1725-2025

Venice, June 5-7, 2025, Aula Magna Ca' Dolfin, Ca' Foscari University


Casanova was a man of his times, embodying all its contradictions: a materialist with many superstitions, a man who admired medicine yet dabbled in alchemy, a lover who believed that pleasure is natural and should be followed, a man who socialized with kings and queens as well as maids and gamblers, a freemason and an adventurer. A passionate gambler, he was also an aspiring man of letters, and for a time an abate, a military, a theatre connoisseur and producer, a spy.


Each of these identities meant something specific in the eighteenth century, governed by social etiquette and caste lines. Scholarship has helped us understand Casanova in his own context, but how do we understand him in ours? How does historical change inflect today’s novels or biographies that take him as a subject? What is Casanova's place within modern ideas of crime, nature, sexuality, and contemporary feminist thought? Do the ways in which we judge his actions shift with the centuries? What is Casanova's place in our time and what is our place in his? 


These questions and more will be considered in the symposium "Casanova in Time" celebrating the 300th anniversary of Casanova's birth. Through papers, panels, discussions, and presentations of new works, we hope to expand our understanding and share varied viewpoints regarding the fascinating life of Giacomo Casanova. 

The Conference

Call for Papers

Nel 2025 ricorrono i trecento anni della nascita di Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), veneziano per nascita ed europeo e internazionale per vita e opere. La sua figura storica è rappresentativa di un mondo che andava.


Nel 2025 ricorrono i trecento anni della nascita di Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), veneziano per nascita ed europeo e internazionale per vita e opere. La sua figura storica è rappresentativa di un mondo che andava scomparendo, l’Antico Regime e la Repubblica di Venezia, ma anche delle inquietudini del Settecento e delle trasformazioni della società moderna. Il suo mito ha attraversato gli ultimi tre secoli e rispecchia gli sguardi sul Settecento di letterati, storici, artisti, cineasti, esponenti della cultura e della politica. I trecento anni dalla sua nascita rappresentano un’occasione per fare il punto sullo stato dell’arte su Casanova, la sua figura storica, le sue opere e la loro fortuna, e per incoraggiare le ricerche intorno al suo mondo e alle immagini del Settecento.


Chi intende partecipare con una comunicazione è invitato a presentare, in un unico file Word, un abstract in italiano, inglese o francese preceduto dal proprio nome e dal titolo dell’intervento (massimo 2.000 caratteri spazi inclusi) e un breve curriculum (massimo 1.000 caratteri spazi inclusi). Le proposte redatte in un formato diverso (pdf) o eccedenti i limiti di spazio indicati non verranno prese in considerazione. Il file contenente abstract e curriculum andrà inviato entro il 30 settembre 2024 esclusivamente al seguente indirizzo:


Verranno prese in particolare considerazione le proposte che mettono in evidenza l’apporto innovativo nella ricerca rispetto alla conoscenza delle fonti o allo stato degli studi. Le proposte pervenute saranno vagliate dal Comitato scientifico costituito dal Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, presieduto da Antonio Trampus (Venezia) e composto da Bruno Capaci (Bologna), Michel Delon (Parigi), Stefano Feroci (Firenze), Kathleen A. Gonzalez (San José, CA), Sabine Herrmann (Venezia), Jean-Claude Hauc (Montpellier), Jean-Christophe Igalens (Parigi), Furio Luccichenti (Roma), Gianluca Simeoni (Brescia), Gilberto Pizzamiglio (Venezia) Malina Stefanovska (Los Angeles), Piermario Vescovo (Venezia), Tom Vitelli (Salt Lake City), Helmut Watzlawick (Ginevra).


L’esito della selezione verrà comunicato entro il 1° novembre 2024


Il convegno è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati dell’Università Ca’ Foscari, con il patrocinio della Società Italiana di Studi sul secolo XVIII, della Fondazione Giorgio Cini – Istituto per la storia di Venezia, dell’Ateneo Veneto, dell’Archivio di Stato di Venezia, di Ca’ Rezzonico - Museo del Settecento Veneziano e della Biblioteca del Museo Correr, Venezia.

Call for Papers

In 2025 we mark the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Venetian by birth, and European and citizen of the world by his life and works. His historical figure is representative of a world that was disappearing, the Ancient Regime and the Republic of Venice, but also of the anxieties of the eighteenth century and the transformations of modern society. His myth has spanned the last three centuries and reflects the views on the eighteenth century of writers, historians, artists, filmmakers, exponents of culture, and politics. The three hundred years since his birth represent an opportunity to take stock of the state of the art on Casanova, his historical figure, his works and their fortune, and to encourage research into his world and the images of the eighteenth century.


Anyone who would like to participate with a paper is invited to submit, in a single Word file, an abstract in Italian, English, or French preceded by their name and the title of the paper (maximum 2,000 characters, including spaces) and a short CV (maximum 1,000 characters, including spaces). Proposals written in a different format (pdf) or exceeding the space limits indicated will not be taken into consideration. The file containing the abstract and CV must be sent by September 30, 2024, exclusively to the following address:

Particular consideration will be given to proposals that highlight the innovative contribution in research with respect to knowledge of the sources or the state of the studies. The proposals received will be examined by the scientific committee established by the Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, chaired by Antonio Trampus (Venice) and composed of Bruno Capaci (Bologna), Michel Delon (Paris), Stefano Feroci (Florence), Kathleen A. González (San José, CA), Sabine Herrmann (Venice), Jean-Claude Hauc (Montpellier), Jean-Christophe Igalens (Paris), Furio Luccichenti (Rome), Gianluca Simeoni (Brescia), Gilberto Pizzamiglio (Venice), Malina Stefanovska (Los Angeles), Piermario Vescovo (Venice), Tom Vitelli (Salt Lake City), and Helmut Watzlawick (Geneva).


The outcome of the selection will be communicated by November 1, 2024.


The conference is organized by the Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies of Ca' Foscari University, with the patronage of the Italian Society of Studies on the 18th Century, of the Giorgio Cini Foundation--Institute for the History of Venice, of the Ateneo Veneto, of the State Archives of Venice, of Ca' Rezzonico--Museum of the Venetian Eighteenth Century, and of the Library of the Correr Museum, Venice.


Organizing Committee


Prof. Antonio Trampus, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia - Presidente

Prof. Piermario Vescovo, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia

Prof. Gilberto Pizzamiglio, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia

Prof. Bruno Capaci, Università di Bologna

Arch. Furio Luccichenti, L’Intermédiaire des Casanovistes, Roma

Dott. Stefano Feroci, Casanoviana – International Review

Dott. Gianluca Simeoni, Casanoviana - International Review

Prof. Malina Stefanovska, University of California, Los Angeles

Dott. Helmut Watzlawick, L’Intermédiaire des Casanovistes, Genève

Prof. Michel Delon, Sorbonne Universite', Paris

Prof. Jean-Christophe Igalens, Sorbonne Universite', Paris

Prof. Kathleen A. González, Woodside Priory School, Portola Valley, California

Dott. Tom Vitelli, Casanoviana – International Review

Dott.ssa Sabine Herrmann, Deutsches Studienzentrum - Fritz Thyssen Stiftung

Prof. Jean-Claude Hauc, Revue Lettres Françaises


Speakers: This page will be updated as decisions are made

Presenting papers
Speaker 1
Speaker 4
Speaker 2
Speaker 5
Speaker 3
Speaker 6
Speaker 7
Speaker 8

Author Panel Discussion

This page will be updated as decisions are made

Author 1
Author 3
Author 2
Author 4

Tentative Schedule of Events: 
This page will be updated as decisions are made

Ancillary events

Past Events

Another Symposium:

Casanova européen / European Casanova 
1725-2025 Symposium
2-4 April, 2025, Paris
Click on this link



Watch this site for details and registration information. 

Antonio Trampus


Kathleen González:

Lectures and Author Panel will be held at Aula Magna, Ca' Dolfin, Ca' Foscari University.


Reception TBA.​




Participants should make their own hotel reservations. Here are some nearby accommodations.


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