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Kathleen Ann González edits this book inspired by Venice-lover Rosemary Wilmot. You'll read 31 chapters, some in English, some in Italian, some in both, that share the stories of Venetians: rowers, artists, traditional craftspeople, architects, waiters, entrepreneurs, all who share a deep love for their city and are working towards its rejuvenation and rebirth. 

Announcing the new book

Venice Rising: Aqua Granda, Pandemic, Rebirth

Spring 2020: when Venice was at her most serenely beautiful for a thousand years, there was no one there to see her – except Venetians. This book reveals how her reinvention started months earlier, with the great flood of November 2019.  This timely, moving book tells the story of those extraordinary months, image by image, memory by memory, in the voices of the Venetians themselves.

--- Michelle Lovric, author of The Book of Human Skin, The Remedy, Carnevale


With intense emotion and eloquent words, these eyewitnesses take us inside a magical place, “a poem without words” that comforts, haunts, energizes and inspires them to overcome the nightmares of despair and fear with bigger dreams of a new future for Venice. 

Venice Rising is a symphony of love, with many voices blending together to stir the soul just as deeply as their beloved hometown has for so many centuries. 

--- Dianne Hales, author of La Bella Lingua, La Passione and Mona Lisa


Venice Rising is a compilation of eye witness reports from Venetians who have experienced unprecedented challenges. With honesty and wisdom they write of their fears, resilience, and hope. After sustaining devastating flood damage and loss of tourism, Venice has been returned to her residents. It is time that we listen to them. 

--- JoAnn Locktov, Bella Figura Publications

Learn more at VeniceRising.Org
About Me

I started out as a teacher but was surprised to find that I was a writer and dancer as well. While I spend most of each year trying to infect teenagers with my great enthusiasm for literature and writing, I still squeeze in time to research and write.  I travel as often as funds and time off allow and dance to keep my spirit alive. My particular interest in Venice, Italy, has led me to research and write a number of books about the city and its people. I hope you'll enjoy learning more about my books, videos, blog, and other works on the pages here.



Praise for Free Gondola Ride:

"WOW! I loved it. Savored every page. This book brought me back to Venice in my thoughts, my dreams, and all of my obsessive subconscious."


Greg Mohr, President, Gondola Society of America


Praise for Seductive Venice: In Casanova's Footsteps:

"The lack of a guidebook to Casanova sites has long been a glaring gap for literary pilgrims to Venice. Kathleen Gonzalez's meticulously researched new book is sure to fill it admirably." 


Tony Perrottet, author of The Sinner's Grand Tour


Praise for A Beautiful Woman in Venice:

“Kathleen González gives us a series of fascinating portraits of Venetian women from the Middle Ages to the end of the Republic. Some of them are already well-known figures but many will be new to most readers; whether they are nuns or courtesans, painters or poets, scholars or oarswomen, González brings them to life for the reader, showing a full understanding of the great obstacles they had to overcome to achieve their place in history. The book, like her earlier ones, is remarkable not only for its wide-ranging scholarship but also for its enthusiasm for all things Venetian.”


Gregory Dowling, author of In Venice and in the Veneto with Lord Byron.


Praise for First Spritz Is Free: Confessions of Venice Addicts:

"Pulling back the curtain on stately Venice, this heartfelt collection of intimate portraits renders the seductive city in detail. Beyond gondolas, masks and memories shared in delicious tidbits lies a tale of love and longing. Like countless others through the ages, no matter where they began, nor when the arc of time brought them to Venice, nor which kaleidoscopic images framed their journeys, these authors all succumbed to Venice's magical charms."


Christine Evelyn Volker

 Award-winning Author of Venetian Blood: Murder in a Sensuous City




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© 2012 by Kathleen Ann Gonzalez

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